Vast open grasslands under a blue sky with clouds

strengthening the arts ecosystem in kansas

Our values

#1 Come one, come all: The arts impact people of all interests and backgrounds. We celebrate a variety of voices as part of KAN. 

#2 A creative state: The arts and creativity show up in many facets of life and work across the state, and are critical to a pro-business, forward-looking Kansas. 

#3 Better together: The arts serve all of us, regardless of political affiliation. We believe the arts are a place where citizens and elected officials will unite for the betterment of all Kansas communities.  

#4 Come together: Arts advocacy serves as a gateway to understanding civic participation and civil discourse.  

#5 Collaborate and listen: The arts are collaborative by nature, and KAN values collaboration across sectors and groups.   

Watercolor paints, paintbrushes, blank sketchbook on wooden table

Our mission

The Kansas Arts Network mission is to strengthen public commitment and funding for the arts and creativity in Kansas through advocacy, civic engagement, and education.  

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