we need your support

please donate

The Kansas Arts Network is a grassroots effort to support and connect the creative sector in Kansas. The organization was created in 2024 after several years of conversation and brainstorming between individual artists and arts leaders from across the state.

The Kansas Arts Network is funded through general memberships and donations. As a truly grassroots effort, there is no donation that is too small (or too big for that matter!). We hope you’ll consider joining our network as a member, but feel free to make donation of any amount that is meaningful to you, You do not need to be an artist or arts organization to donate or become a member, art supporters and enthusiasts of all shapes and sizes are welcome in the network.

As a 501c3 organization, all donations are eligible for a charitable tax contribution.

To donate: please visit us on Give Butter our donation platform here: Kansas Arts Network or you can also scan the following QR Code.