Where does Public funding for the arts go in kansas?
Local Funding: There are several municipalities and counties across Kansas that have a local art agency (LAA) which provides grant funding opportunities to artists and arts organizations. LAAs can look and function very differently, but they are often funded in part through local government. To find an LAA near you click here.
State Funding: The Kansas Arts Commission, a Division of the Department of Commerce provides funding to artists and arts organizations through various grant programs. To see a list of grant recipients and types of grants click here. There are also some arts-related funding opportunities through other areas of the State including the Dept. of Tourism and Office of Rural Development.
Federal Funding: The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) both offer a wide variety of grant options for artists and arts organizations across the nation. To learn more about what grants have been awarded to Kansas based organizations click here. Additionally, the NEA provides funding directly to State and Local Arts Agencies which are then distributed at the community-level.
Why the arts matter in Kansas?
Check out this info-sheet from the Arts Action Fund about the power of the arts in Kansas. Click here to download.
top 10 reasons to support the arts
Check out this resource from Americans for the Arts: 10 Reasons to Support the Arts in 2024 | Americans for the Arts. Each of these are great talking points about why public funding for the arts sector is so important.
national assembly on state arts agency (NASA)
NASA offers a wide variety of resources and research about arts advocacy. For more information visit their website by clicking here.